Dream of having a successful wellness coaching website? Here are the steps

Hey wellness coach! It has been a while since the last blog post, but I am coming hot today with some really good tips!!

Having designed numerous wellness entrepreneurs’ and health coach’s websites since mid-2018, I have some really good advice to offer on how to run a successful wellness coaching website. Let’s dive in!


1. Know your audience: Who are you trying to reach?

Your audience/clients should be at the core of everything you do. From designing your website to planning your coaching programs, the client’s needs always come first. Before you open your computer and start searching through Squarespace* for a template, grab a piece of paper and a cup of hot tea and start writing down your client’s avatar. How old are they? Where do they live? Are they married? Do they have kids? Now design your website for THEM.


2. Invest in good photos

High-quality, professionally taken photos can make or break your website. It doesn’t matter how amazing the design is, the photos will tie it all together. And many times, it is the photos that tell the story.

I ALWAYS recommend my clients to invest in professional photos of them taken by a local photographer. You can find great photographers in your area by asking your friends for a recommendation, by doing a Google search, or on Instagram. I also recommend for you to gather some good-quality stock photos to use for your blog posts. 

Tip #1: Read this blog post on where you can find the best quality free and paid stock photography.

Tip #2: Watch this Instagram Live where I interview my brand photographers. We talk about everything photography-related to your website and social media needs.

3. Design your website on a reliable platform

The platform you choose to design your website is very important. I personally like to use Squarespace* for all of my client’s websites. Not only is it super affordable, but it is extremely user friendly.

Learn more about why I use Squarespace for my client’s websites in this blog post.

4. What is the first thing you want your site visitor to do? 

Figure that out first, and then start designing around that.

For example, if you want them to visit your coaching services page, then you might want to have some text over your Home banner image linking them to that page.

Or maybe you want them to join your newsletter? Then you can set up an opt-in pop-up that appears as soon as they click on your site.

5. What are the 2nd and 3rd things you want them to do?

Do the same thing you did above to the second and third action you want your website visitor to do. It is all about taking them through a journey on your site.

6. Be very clear about your offerings

Clarity = sales.

Have you ever purchased something you didn’t truly understand? Probably not. Or have you ever ordered something online that you only had half of the information about? No. Therefore, don’t do that to your Services Page.

I am a big fan of Services Pages that go into detail about the coaching program/sessions that you offer.  I believe that if there is any room for questions, the potential client might not move forward with purchasing your services.

Tip: You don’t want to have an overwhelmingly long services page that highlights every little single thing the client is getting. Instead, focus on the BENEFITS they will receive, while also running them through your coaching process. Set an expectation of what they will get.

7. Make it easy for them to contact you or sign up for your program

Never leave your website visitor without a call to action on a Services Page. After you walk them through what’s included in your program, direct them to the next step they should take.

A few ideas:

  • Add a button that takes them to your contact page

  • Add an appointment calendar at the bottom of the page so they can book a call with you (Acuity and Calendly are god calendar appointment options.)

  • Add a short inquiry form that is linked to your business email


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    8. Provide testimonials

    Who doesn’t love a good testimonial? I don’t think I have to go too in-depth into how beneficial testimonials can be to the success of your website. However, I do want to challenge you in how you show those testimonials on your site.

    Written testimonials are great. But let’s elevate that! Instead of just having the written testimonials, have an image of your client next to it. People respond very well to testimonials when they know who said them.

    Let’s take it a step further? Video testimonials!!!! Not all of your clients will be open to submitting a video testimonial (many will be camera shy), but video testimonials are gold. So ask them anyways, and display them on your website.

    9. Build your newsletter email list with a freebie

    I love this marketing tip that I heard at the beginning of my entrepreneur career: you don’t own your social media followers, but you do own your subscriber’s email addresses - so invest time in growing that!

    What do they mean? Tomorrow, Instagram and Facebook can decide to shut down their platforms. And just like that, all of the followers you worked so hard to get will (puff) disappear. 

    But the email addresses you collect through your newsletter are yours. That is a DIRECT line of contact between you and your client. There is no middle man. So my tip is for you to start building your newsletter email list as soon as you launch your website. 

    Tip: Read this blog post for ideas of freebies you can offer to build your newsletter email list.

    10. Promote your website in all of your social media platforms

    Now that your website is up and running, and you want to create links that point back to your website. It is often not enough to just have your website “exist” in the web world. By creating external links that direct visitors to your website, your site ranks better in social engine searches.

    Action step: add a link to your website on all of your social media accounts, and every time you launch a new blog post, promote it on your social media and Pinterest. 

    11. Invest your time in SEO.

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means improving the quality and quantity of traffic going to your website from search engines, such as Google.

    Squarespace* has really great SEO-targeting features and other tools to increase your site's visibility to search engines. And since they have done a much better job walking you through how to tackle SEO for your website, I am going to link their best tutorials and articles below.

    Do not skip this step! Good SEO will greatly improve your site’s visibility!!

    12. And above all: Give Value!!

    I want to close this blog by bringing it back to what’s important: your client/audience!

    At the end of the day, your website will be as successful as the value it provides. So stay focused, remember your why, always refer back to your audience’s avatar, and create content/services/products that will genuinely help and improve the lives of those you are trying to reach.

    I hope you guys found value in these tips! ;]

    Don’t forget to share this blog with a friends. We love to offer free content, and by you sharing our posts, we can continue to do so.


    Note: Links with a * are affiliate links of business I support and purchase from. If you use these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support! ;]



    Tryz Studio

    Tryz Studio provides thoughtful, custom, brand & web design for growing wellness entrepreneurs who want a brand and web design to build their confidence as they grow their business. Through Tryz Studio, you will experience my expertise as a designer & also as a certified health coach, who understands your industry as well as your specific brand & web design needs. Grow your brand - and reach, educate, and serve your ideal client seamlessly.



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